Trans Canada Trail Temporarily Closed
The Trans Canada Trail will be closed from February 13 to February 17, 2023 to facilitate trail maintenance and prepare the area for future accessibility improvements.
The Trans Canada Trail will be closed from February 13 to February 17, 2023 to facilitate trail maintenance and prepare the area for future accessibility improvements.
Some Tillsonburg Hydro customers may be affected by a billing error wherein bills were generated a day earlier than usual (February 2).
Tillsonburg Update appears every Thursday in the Norfolk-Tillsonburg News. Here is the February 9, 2023 edition.
Mayor Deb Gilvesy, Deputy Mayor Dave Beres and Chief Administrative Officer Kyle Pratt represented the Town of Tillsonburg at the 2023 Rural Ontario Municipal Association (ROMA) Conference, held in Toronto from January 22 to 24.
The Town’s current Clean Yard By-Law 3810 was last reviewed and adopted by Town of Tillsonburg Council on August 9, 2021. A complete review and rewrite of this by-law has been completed. A copy of the new proposed Lot Maintenance By-law, along with supporting material is now available for review. The period for Public Engagement is January 25, 2023 to February 20, 2023.
Please be advised that Tillsonburg Hydro Inc., has hired a reseach firm (Advanis) to conduct a telephone survey of its customers throughout January and February.
The Council Budget meeting of Monday, February 6, 2023 has been cancelled. The 2023 budget deliberations will continue at the Regular Council meeting scheduled for Monday, February 13, 2023 at 6:00 p.m.
Please be advised that warmer air temperatures create unsafe ice conditions at the J.L. Scott McLean Outdoor Recreation Pad. Red flags/signs will be posted when the rink is closed.
It's the holiday season. See which Town facilities are open and closed.