Tillsonburg Update - June 13
Tillsonburg Update appears every Thursday in the Norfolk and Tillsonburg News.
Tillsonburg Update appears every Thursday in the Norfolk and Tillsonburg News.
Now is the time to have a say on the 2025 municipal budget
The Town of Tillsonburg is pleased to welcome the Ontario government’s multi-million dollar investment to boost local manufacturing. Through Ontario's Regional Development Program (RDP), Armtec Inc. will receive $3 million towards its new $27 million manufacturing facility in Tillsonburg.
Annandale National Historic Site (ANHS) will be closed from noon on Tuesday, June 18 until Saturday, June 22 for maintenance.
The purpose of this notice is to advise that the Corporation of the Town of Tillsonburg intends to declare a portion of the municipally owned Ball Alley Right-of-Way located between Tillson Street and First Alley/Ball Street as surplus to the needs of the Town at the July 8, 2024 Council Meeting.
Tillsonburg Update appears every Thursday in the Norfolk and Tillsonburg News.
The Town of Tillsonburg is currently completing a Transportation Master Plan. A public open house will be held June 26.
New bid opportunity
Tillsonburg Update appears every Thursday in the Norfolk and Tillsonburg News.