Façade Improvement Program

If you own a commercial building in the Downtown area of Tillsonburg and plan to do any kind of façade work, you may be eligible for the Façade Improvement Program.

The Program was started in 2013 by the Town of Tillsonburg and Tillsonburg BIA to provide a financial incentive to promote the rehabilitation, restoration, and improvement to the façades of commercial buildings within the Downtown of Tillsonburg.  

Application Forms

Before You Apply:

Contact the Façade Improvement Committee, who can help to guide you through the process and connect you with a designer. You can call us at 519-550-3780 or 519-688-3009 ext. 4600.

Take time to review what documentation is required with the application to ensure that your application is complete when you submit it. A checklist is included in the application package to help make sure that nothing is missed.

Receiving Your Grant:

Once work has been completed, you can request that the grant funds be released to you. A Tillsonburg BIA representative and the Chief Building Official will conduct an inspection and verify that the work has been completed.  

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