Community Centre
Facility highlights
The Tillsonburg Community Centre (TCC) is located at 45 Hardy Ave and is the heart of the town's recreation system.
Facility highlights include an indoor pool, arenas, meeting rooms and a fitness centre. It is also home to the Tillsonburg Senior Centre. Outdoor amenities include tennis courts, ball diamonds, and a multi-purpose recreation pad for ice skating and basketball.
The RZone Policy applies at all facilities.
What are you interested in?
R Zone Policy
The R Zone is a ZERO tolerance policy that applies to ALL Town of Tillsonburg buildings, facilities, programs, parks and trails. The goal of this policy is to promote a positive, safe and supportive environment for all members of the public and staff.
This policy enforces ZERO tolerance of:
For the purpose of this policy, harassment is defined as engaging in a course of vexatious comment or conduct that is known or ought reasonably to be known to be unwelcome” as defined by the Ontario Human Rights Code and covered by the Town of Tillsonburg’s Workplace Violence and Workplace Anti-Violence, Harassment and Sexual Harassment Policies.
For the purposes of this policy, the definitions of inappropriate behaviour and/or violence, inappropriate use of technology and vandalism include but are not limited to:
- Refusal to abide by specific program or facility rules and any contravention of Town by-laws, policies or procedures
- Verbal assaults (profanity and/or loud verbal assaults including racial or ethnic slurs, directed at participants, spectators, referees, staff and volunteers)
- Threats or attempts to intimidate
- Hate speech
- Throwing of articles in a deliberate or aggressive manner
- Aggressive approaches to another individual
- Attempts to goad or incite violence in others
- Physical striking of another individual
- Theft of property
- Vandalism
- glass breakage
- graffiti
- theft
- arson
- Harassment
- Possession of weapons
- Participation in any illegal act on Town of Tillsonburg Property (i.e. drugs, drinking, use of tobacco products in areas designated tobacco free, etc.)
For the purposes of this policy, inappropriate use of technology includes but is not limited to:
- Using technology devices to photograph images of participants, spectators, Town of Tillsonburg staff or volunteers without their express written consent using technology device(s) for illegal or criminal purposes.
- Invading or attempting to invade another person’s privacy
- Sending or receiving documents, websites or pages that contain lewd, illegal or offensive materials via internet.
- Viewing, producing or exhibiting lewd, illegal or offensive materials, either hard copy or using technology devices.
- Sending or creating viruses, worms and other invasive computer programs
- Hacking or other unauthorized access or attempts thereof
- Illegal downloading or copying software or
- Inappropriate comments on the Town of Tillsonburg social media sites
For more information on the R Zone Policy, or to make an RZone incident report call 519.688.9011 or email
Tillsonburg Community Centre
45 Hardy Avenue
Tillsonburg, ON
N4G 3W9 - 519-688-9011
- 8:30 a.m. to 7:00 p.m. Monday/Wednesday/Friday
- 8:30 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. Tuesday/Thursday
- 9:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. Saturday/Sunday