Plan a Special Event

What is a special event?

The Special Events Manual helps event organizers meet the requirements of the Town of Tillsonburg and other agencies (e.g., OPP, Southwestern Public Health) when planning an event.

An event is considered a "special event" if...

  • it is open to everyone
  • it is held on private or public property
  • it celebrates or displays a specific theme
  • it has one or several activities
  • it is held on predetermined dates and times


Examples of "special events" include:

  • sales of food, alcohol or merchandise
  • parades and processions
  • marathons, walks, bicycle rides
  • dancing, music
  • dramatic productions, entertainment
  • carnivals, festivals, bazaars

NOTE: Private social gatherings such as garage sales, rummage and yard sales which will not use Town property (other than for lawful parking) are not considered "special events."

Planning ahead for success

If your event will be held on Town property (e.g., park), or might affect the normal flow of traffic on roads or sidewalks, you'll want to contact the Recreation, Culture and Parks department as soon as possible.

Events involving amusement rides, animals, food, alcohol, or gambling, will also require a higher level of planning.

Depending on the size and scale of your event, the Town may require you to rent portable washrooms, hand wash stations, barricades, fences, ramps and other equipment.

Private events

Are you looking for a venue for a wedding reception, reunion, baby shower, birthday party, meeting or other private event? Visit our Rentals page.

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